REDIRECT Stakeholder Management & Communications

We’re Award Winners in Stakeholder Management & Community Engagement.

SONAR Engagement is a trusted partner, providing skilled and knowledgeable Public Liaison Officers across infrastructure, highways, rail, and local authority projects.

We have an extensive, scalable stakeholder ‘toolkit’, key to which is our unique ongoing cycle of engagement and problem solving which ensures key project benefit messages are understood whilst professionally managing and resolving risks .

Questions upon project completion

“Would you be welcomed back in this community and what is your legacy?”


SONAR Engagement starts with these questions in mind and work to ensure positive relationships and legacies are left behind.

With a combined 150 years of Neighbourhood Policing experience, and 30 years combined experience in Construction, we’re skilled in communications, problem solving and managing risk.

Strategic Communications

We provide expert, trusted Communications, from project overviews, engagement events & briefs for media (internal and external) to ensure project benefits are understood and to manage risk.

We’ve helped Major Projects succeed in the most challenging of circumstances, bringing clarity through our Communication Strategies.


We provide an Award winning Customer approach delivers first class service recovery and complaint resolution, achieving a high level of customer satisfaction.

Latest Technology

Our scalable Stakeholder toolkit allows us to offer  the latest technology  working with our partners:

A stakeholder and Community Engagement App that allows people to stay in touch and up to date with project developments. With added benefits of customer satisfaction surveys and analysis to help improve communications.

The latest in digital engagement from interactive online Public Information Events, to bringing project design to life.

We combine technology with good old fashioned ‘leg work’ and face-to-face meetings.

See what our Clients are saying – see our feedback here.

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